Sunday, December 18, 2011

Dumb therapist!+ Echo is sexually frusterated+plus the balance game= an interesting outcome in the near future

It's been awhile...But I guess I always say that. My mom has officially placed me in a recovery. I hate my therapist, uuuuuuuggghhh she a supper fat bitch. If your going to talk to people about being healthy and stuff why would you stick an overweight person in a room with a bulimic to try and convince them?????? (no offence if you're overweight) it just seems like a dumb idea in my mind. BUUUUUUUUUT  i've lost five pounds yaya! im at 138 currently and i'm going to try and loose 3 more this week. I have to do it sort of slowly because the therapist is the one that weighs me.

Balancing everything has become difficult, my friends want to know why I can't go out on friday nights (I'm at the cliniqu on fridays duh,but they don't know and wouldn't understand that.) what happened to neat-freak-me and all that other stuff. I'm depressed,what else is there to it?
Me and the boy *Q massive sigh*  It's so hard for me to even see him, I'm not allowed to date till next year and he lives a bit far (ok fat for someone who doesn't have a car,cut us some slack we're like,14). Is it wrong to trust him at that other school? I've known him a pretty long time and he's a NICE GUY. You know the type The nice guy,the one that always lets you borrow money, walks with you at lunch if you have no one else to hang out with, and will totally end up giving you his jacket eventually if your cold? Yep well thats him. He hasn't even really made out with me, that may be a problem. LADIES AND GENTlEMEN  I ADMIT IT! I AM SEXUALLY FRUSTERATED!!!!!!  But is it so WRONG what I'm asking? I don't think so, my only thing with him trying something is him seeing me all gross and fat and so i guess its a little bit good . So i could get myself in the 120's before anything happens.

wel this is a stupidly long post . sorry. love you all!!! mwah! hit me up or email me whenever


  1. 5 pounds wow! Good job! If only guys would just make out and that would be ALL hahaha..I hope your plan works out like you want it to!

  2. Awesome loss, Echo!
    Well done love.
    Hope that something happens between you and this boy. :)
    Stay positive, stay beautiful! <3
