Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Stories from her fading songs

my family is falling apart. We all had it out the other day,we stayed up practically all night arguing and 'discusing".
When i finally went to bed i felt like shit and just cried. I hate crying,or i did. I've been crying so much that its natural now,along with constantly feeling like shit. Next day i purged for the first time in months. Today i restricted pretty good,not great. Its good if i was a 'normal' person restricting. But i know i have potencial to be so much more. under all this fat is a beautiful,talented,person.
Sometimes i feel like its my fault we're falling apart,the way i avoid being around people,the way i stress my parents out. How they worry about me,and paying for my medical bills and pills. Things would be easier if my mentality were normal. I know i'm back on my way to ana because i'm falling asleep in class again,not a good thing (the sleeping) so i sugar spike (eat a small piece of candy and water). And thats pretty much what i eat along with dinner and picking at a bit of bfast to avoid suspicion.

When i was crying in my bed,my mom came into my room. She sat at the edge of my bed and just patted me and sang old songs she did when i was little. When we were all living in a little house in this hecka ghetto neighborhood,instead of the big one in this white place. As she sang i remembered running around with my sisters and being happy with my parents. I remember playing outside as the summer days cooled and my dad cut fruit off this tree (hecka mexican thing 2 do ik). I remember eating it,and being happy. Blissfully happy with my family,with myself. I remember thinking how i wanted more for everyone in my family,i remember wanting to be a dancer and then realizing i was too fat.I remember giving up. I just kept crying.
Because the only thing i could think was that little white room,with the one window and the bunkbed. The little room that was either too hot or freezing cold, 3 of us on the 2 beds. Me sharing with the little one who slept soundly back then,in matching pj's.
I miss that
i miss THEM
i hope we can be a family again,i miss that. (shit i'm crying again)

p.s. im going to do an experiment ,lollypops and water. The sugar for energy and i take vitamins and drink lots of water,lets see if i loose weight. I'll let u know when i start it.


1 comment:

  1. I hope things get better. Having family problems sucks. Especially when you think it is all your fault. I hope you get to feeling better. My sister's friend got really sick one time and was put on a diet of baby food and lollipops and water by her doctor. She ended up losing quite a bit of weight from it. And she's kept the weight off like 10 years later. She was in like 6th grade or something when she got sick. So you should be able to lose weight. Just make sure the lollipops are fairly low cal.
