Sunday, June 19, 2011

i GAINED six pounds . What is wrong with me ?!
My mom got me a refill of  my meds and after i took them i was HU-GRY like ravinous . And i felt sick ,and strange . I think her and the Dr.have been slipping me hunger meds . Sneeky leachy Dr.
well i refuse to take them now. I will be fine i just have to stay strong . i think i can do it i just need to be strong and work hard . Current weight 139 goal (for now) 125,120 end of the summer goal 110 wish me luck , i start a new diet monday as i will be fasting tommorow xoxox on my way 2 wings


  1. I'm with you my sweetheart! :D
    My current goal weight is 139 so we can learn a bit. XD. I'm currently trying to eat healthy as to get my Father off my back then totally going after 110 pounds in summer. :)

  2. Best of luck with your new goals and your new plan!
    You can totally do this!
    Hard work pays off, trust me.
    I hope you have a great day today; you deserve it!
    Stay positive, stay beautiful! <3

  3. Uh i hate meds that make you hungry! i was taking zoloft for a while and an actual side effect is craving carbs...and its supposed to make you NOT depressed. its a joke. My goal weight is 110lbs also :) good luck girl stay strong x
