Sunday, June 12, 2011

What The Warden Wants

all i can say is sheeeee's baaaaaaaack (ana)

so my mom (a.k.a the warden) said no dating even at 16!
now you're going to change the rules on me?
this is just another way to keep your power because one of your three is leaving the nest
in a year
this is your way of keeping me from the world
from saving me from hurt
well guess what?
the only thing thats hurting me is THIS
your 'child' wants to be fucking emancipated
THIS is the only thing really hurting me
don't leave the house without telling someone
your only allowed to walk around the street
no screamo music while the Warden is present
no hanging out with boys that are just friends alone (hello that is 3/4.5 of my friends!!!)
you will do art
this is how i would do your art if i was you
the warden says .
great so what i do to mellow out isn't mine anymore either!?
no taking drama class
its a waste of time
its the only thing that kept me SANE
if you don't want me to live then why do i even bother?
you shouldn't care if i want to starve myself
i will because you don't want me to live my life anyways
so i have nothing to loose really
all you want is a perfect little barbie with ;
perfect grades
a cute group of friends
a cute little art hobby
preppy/hipster music on my ipod
looks all right
perfect skin
perfect body
who win all her soccer games
swim meets
all her dance routines perfectly
every time
makes every call back
well i'm not her
so let me starve
this is how i say 4get u n your dumb fear of this fuking world
my one form of rebellion in my sad,sheltered,jacked up life

1 comment:

  1. You're 16 and your mom won't let you date?! how are you ever going to learn about the real world and how boys really treat women?! totally unfair. even if you have a curfew you should definitely be allowed to date.
