Thursday, February 9, 2012

FaceBook Ana Mia groups

This post will end up somewhere between biast as heck and a rant, I'm 98% sure I was jsut kicked off the pro-ana/mia face book group I was apart of. Did I offend someone? I have no clue. If I did I have no clue what I said that could have been offensive, I do not know if Facebook has the power to shut down said groups but needless to say people have been kicked out before. If you are not part of a Facebook groups there are plusses and neggative things, lots of debates that get really intense (which means one comment and you will be spammed for life). It is however, a great way to share progress pics,blogs,links and find other ana/mia's. I'm almost certain that at soem point the human affect kicks in and some people forget that it's not about anything but the goal (whatever yours may be).

In other knews my forced 'recover' is going desently. I feel like one of those tinny plush backpacks the ones of like a horse or a dog that has a loopy-thing so you can hang it by it's neck?
Thats me. Hanging by my neck.
My heart has gone up and my weight is "stable" I haven't been weighed in almost a month so I'm very very afraid of what that's gonna look like. I'm aiming for musceles but that still doesn't stop the old habits . The doctors and therapist and parents of the world just need to come and realize that no matter how hard they try Mia is apart of me and they cannot fix me, there is nothing to fix. A good friend of mine was anorexic, granted she still goes without food when she feels like it. She does anything when she feels like it.
Me and the boy are still an item <3 don't hate me but I'm relly super into him and he's super into me. I just don't have a lot of time for a realationship but i really really want to keep him!!!
Living two hours away and having a crazy schedule doesn't help. Ok honestly is there like, a guide book to making out and the differnet 'bases'!?!? because I feel like both of us never go the memo!

He's getting me a present for Valentines Day and I might not competely hate on the holiday for once in my life. We'll see. Song- Lykke Li - Tonight

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