Sunday, January 30, 2011

Fat and Ugly

I am fat and ugly .If you saw me you'd think it but you probably wouldn't tell me. I've been told it though,enough times to know its true. Nobody looks at the fat dancer,their eyes slip over her and onto the girl next to her. Even if that girl hardly knows the steps,everyone will think she is better. Our eyes catogorize everyone we see,we don't try to but it just sort of happens. It's human nature. Cemetery.Clear skin.Thin waist.Big boobs and butt. Muscles. Pretty hair .What can i say?some of us JUST. AREN'T .
we wish we were
we all wan't to be 'that girl' the beautiful one .
most of us denie it.I know i do,almost everyday.
sometimes i don't give a damn though,most of those girls are idiots.
they're not as sart as some of us,who have to work harder than them,same with the rich kids.
i am going to be THAT Girl which is better than That Girl,i'm gonna be that one that everyone will watch on stage and not be able to every forget. The girl with the black sweatshirt and notebooks filled with lyrics,drawing,designs and forein langouage notes?yeah thats me.the one with almost over 1000 songs on her ipod?that'd be me
I'm gonna be (and starting already) to be THAT girl.
Do i care what you think anymore?
I'm Echo

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