Thursday, July 7, 2011

Wow i haven't been on in a while and i'm catching up on reading all of your blogs ,sadly i will be leaving for camp for a whole week (next week) so i won't be able 2 keep up with this blog (super sad face) .
The good part about camp is that my mom can't monitor me the bad (which is pretty bad) is that she's sending food w/ me that i apparently have to eat (its speciall because im alergic 2 glutin and won't eat meat a hard combo) .
When my friend came over and we ate dinner the Warden watched me finish everything on my plate its so creepy. I hate it . if i don't want to eat then i wont . I'm liquid fasting today .
I've been eating soo so so much .

I'll pdate when i actually have something interesting 2 say

1 comment:

  1. Have fun at camp. I hate when people try to monitor my eating. I'm sure you could "share" the food you take with you and then you won't have to eat so much and you won't have to bring it back and you can tell your mom you ate it all. Stay strong.
