Sunday, August 28, 2011

binge,Blushes and Workouts

yesterday was a crazy crazy binge
mostly fruit though
ugh who am i kidding its so crappy
because of this i'm limiting myself to 170 cal
i honestly am incapable of putting anything else in my mouth
like physically i CAN'T
but i don't mind
thank you Ana :)

my binge :(
fruit (x100000000000)
fat free fro yo
fried plantains w/ sour cream
1/2 cup potatoe salad
the frosting off a cupcake

we went shopping yesterday for food ,well fruit
and then we went to a party
i feel so crappy because of all of this :(
ana just kill me


  1. Finally got to commenting again.
    Well, at least it's fruit! That's basically just fibre and water sitting there! ;D it's a healthy-ish binge and don't beat yourself up about it. Nobody's perfect. We all fail sometimes. We gotta pick ourselves up and fix it up then! ^__^
    Good luck on 170 calories. I personally cannot do that if my life depended on it.

  2. Fruit is healthy. It's better than binging on something like chocolate or chips. Just put it in the past and keep going. Everyone is going to slip up every once in a while.
