Friday, September 2, 2011

Lolipops,finding ground

skinnygirl -yes i also wear a lot of black!!!! <3

  My net should be around 200-300
i had 2 lolipops (60 cal each)
1 peanut butter cup (2 avoid suspicion)
greek yogurt 140
a few sips of coconut water ,some eggpant and a couple pretzels (i pick at food so cals are unknown)
my net SHOULD be around there. I think i'm doing better already the lolipops seem to keep me full for the most part and energized (i just have to drink lots of water so i don't break out) . I'm officially addicted to water polo !!!! its AWESOME and i should be burning like crazy next week because we have a tournement but i don't want to jinx it. Especially since i'm going to a slumber party (!!). It sounds lame but i've never been to a real slumber party before. I don't know why i just never have.
Hung out with some guys i know today,its much easier than the girls,they try to hard. Me,i try to remember i don't give a shit about what they think, its so pathetic when they go around trying to be all rebellious and talk about weed and being wasted and shit. All i can say to any of them is Sweetie pull up that top NO one!wants to see that. Girls can be dumb,just like everyone else.

xoxo  i promise to catch up on all your blogs l8r


1 comment:

  1. Good intake! and you had candy?! wow i'm proud of you :) ya, sometimes picking can be so much safer. It can keep you from going overboard and the you don't eat whole meals, it just sucks not knowing the exact number of cals...and i'm bad at guessing :/ have a lovely day! :)
