Friday, June 17, 2011


grrrr i am SOO disapointed in myself today!!!! i was doing so well 2!!!! i binged :( grrrrrr
but i keep teling myself that it wasn't that bad since i burned off 500 cals @ the gym (the machiens there count how many cals u burn,how sweet is that!?) . So tomorrow i will have a pickle some hot sause and water maybe an egg white or something but not much. I don't really want to eat i want to be thhiinnn so bad! i'd love to go back to school in the fall and suprise everyone when they see that i'm all bone,i think that would be wonderful being beautiful. Not to mention it'd be nice 2 show myself that i can do it!
I will do it. My heart beats and my hands tremble around food , this is a warning DON'T EAT IT!!!
Grrr so little cals tomorrow and i will try and burn  2000 , and then fast sunday .yes that should help some . Thanx for the love xoxo stay fab everyone !!!


    You can do it, of course you can, don't let set backs get you down, new day, new goals! :D

    Stay positive...and drink plenty of water.

  2. Hooray for motivation!
    You can totally do this!
    Do not let one small setback ruin everything you have worked for.
    You are so strong, and I know you have what it takes to get skinny, beautiful, and perfect.
    I hope you have a wonderful day today; you deserve it!
    Stay positive, stay beautiful! <3
