Thursday, June 2, 2011

Giving up b/p

I am going to try and give up binge and purging . Its become a bad habit (an addiction really) but lately it been more binge and less purge (not good!!) so i have to give it up . I'm going to make my mom a list of foods that 'i'm comfortable eating because of my stomache problems" (i do have problems w/ it and i don't know exsactly what it is but i know ana & mia might have something 2 do w/ it now, no way i'm telling her though she'd send me 2 rehab 4 sure) . So i'm going to record my progress of dieting and giving up b/p here everyday
let me know what you think of the foods i'm going 2 letting her buy me :
instant miso soup
tough fu (i'm pescitarian but i'm thinking about going vegan)
corn (other fruits and veggies)
greek yogurt
gluten free energy bars
soup! (lotsa soup!)
oat meal
my goal is to stay in the 500-300 calorie range this summer and do 1-2 hour work outs everyday .
XOXOX 2 all u dragonflies out there stay strong 

1 comment:

  1. Eh, don't go vegan. Besides, fish don't have souls. lol. And the omega-3s boost your metabolism like crazy!
