Saturday, June 18, 2011

One jacked up fairy-tale with no ending

Once  upon a time there was a girl,who was fat and had no friends serving a sentance which had come to an end and she would start new in a different school. During the 1st year she made best friends 3 girls and she began to shrink,and shrink and meet people. The second year many people new her and her friends she was still shrinking and very happy,they were the "it's". They had everything and anything they wanted they were the princesses.But her closest friend was convinced that the girl needed more,she needed love and when she heard that the girl was falling for a friend of hers she went to work. The boy happened to like her too and so the friend made sure that the two girls 'ran into' him often till they were together. And everyone was happy and thought they where perfect,as the girl continued to shrink she gave him her heart,he was perfect so much more perfect than her 'shrink,shrink,shrink' continued the voices till she vomited. One day so much that she was sick for two days and in those two days gained 20lb . She was depressed but she still had him and her friends,she left the house as little as possible. When summer hit the boy asked again and again 2 meet w/ her but she always told him an excuse,truly she was terrified of her appearance till he wouldn't wait anymore. She was alone.
Spring  came again and she began searching for herself after acting like something else for so long. She was still apart of the 'It's' but it didn't feel right. She could not live in a shadow of her friend so moved on alone and spent less and less time around 'IT's".
Weighing less than when she was sick (but still fat), having new and keeping some old friends,and remaining friends with the boy that stole and shattered her heart only a year ago she looks on for herself and her journey to shrink into bones continues.
But she is no longer a princess
she is me.

1 comment:

  1. Don't make me cryyyyy in the morning.
    That's not cool.
    Acknowledge the past but embrace the future ....
    You are worth more than your weight. :)
